Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Obama says Libya is a turd sandwich-Jon Stewart-Sen. Schumer's ’Extreme’ Moment

You Heard the speech are you buying it? Is Jon Stewart is Buying the President’s NATO Argument? Obama PRESIDENT OF THE WORLD! Sen. Schumer‘s ’Extreme’ Moment’Caught on Audio’
What Happened to the Libyan Woman Who Claimed Gadhafi Forces Raped Her? Will we help her, will she be stoned to death?
Stephen Lerner still touting ‘Economic Terrorism’ Plan. AND more on the Blaze Radio, hear me on stitcher, tuneIn, pod pickle and Itunes.
 hear it here:

Monday, March 28, 2011

Libya, What the Hell are we doing there? Flash Mob of Kindness! Fox Piven

itunes pic Libya, What the Hell are we doing there? Is this a humanitarian action or something more. And the Flash Mob for Kindness where we go out and give someone in need a bag a food. Israel and the Middle East how we got here. Evil Frances fox Piven and more. Hear us on Stitcher, TunIn and more.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

PodOmatic | Best Free Podcasts

PodOmatic Best Free Podcasts: "PodOmatic podcast portal: Make it, get it, go. Get your free podcast hosting, free podcast creation, podcasting tips, free podcast tools, free service for podcasters, podcast software, best podcasts, podcasting news, new podcast feeds, top ten podcasts, l"

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Stephen King blasts GOP-Susan Sarandon-Obama what is he doing? Learn from the Japaneses?

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While we all watch Japan and the unfolding efforts. There is other news. Stephen King blasts GOP, rich should give 50%. Sarandon on Governor walker and it's not nice. NY youths destroying cars, while the people of Japan, calmly try to come to gripes with what has happened and might still happen. What is Obama doing, besides playing golf? That and more on The blaze Radio. Hear us on Stitcher and TuneIn

Friday, March 11, 2011

Glenn Beck attacked by CNN, Pam gets to the truth-Japan earthquake,tsunami-Walker Signs Anti-Collective Bargaining Bill Into Law

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Glenn Beck attacked by CNN, Pam gets to the truth, point by point. Did CNN get the facts or just attack a successful show host? Japan earthquake,tsunami death toll rises, train missing. Walker Signs Anti-Collective Bargaining Bill Into Law. While Jesse Jackson Fans Class War Flames in Wisconsin. Catch us on stitcher

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Phone call, fascists? SCIU President Obama poll? Charlie more. NPR, Racist Tea Party

itunes pic SCIU says its members are behind President Obama, Funny I never got a call. Charlie sheen it's like watching Anna Nicole Smith, I wont do it any more. A phone call from Randie about fascists. NPR ‘Racist’ Tea Party and ‘Anti-Intellectual’ GOP. And more on The Blaze Radio. Hear us on Stitcher.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Sheen, Penn & Moore Venezuela? Michele Bachmann. Radio host fired for warning about radical Islam

itunes pic Sheen, Penn going to Haiti perhaps if they took Moore along and went to Venezuela instead. Mechele Bachmann right on target, but is she becoming a don't answer the question politician. Popular radio host fired, after her warning of radical Islam, (LOVE) was not in the air. What dose the three stooges have to do with anything? This and more on the Blaze radio.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Shariah 4 America’ Group Calls for ‘Burkha’ on Statue of Liberty? Van Jones, Michael Moore

NY School Kids Being Taught To Emulate Van Jones?
Michael Moore Says Wealthy American‘s Money is Not Theirs its ’Ours‘ ’A National Resource’
We Need To Take It From Them!
Shariah 4 America’ Group Calls for ‘Burkha’ on Statue of Liberty? Piglet and national security? And More...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Don't forget to listen to The Blaze Radio tomorrow and see what this piglet has to do with national security?

Don't forget to listen to The Blaze Radio tomorrow and see what this piglet has to do with national security?  Van Jones.   Michael Moore.   Shariah 4 America’ Group Calls for ‘Burkha’ on Statue of Liberty?  10am PT 1pm ET on

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Westboro Baptist Church- Communist Protester "Noodle boy"-More Charlie Sheen

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The court voted 8-1 in favor of the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kan. The decision upheld an appeals court ruling that threw out a $5 million judgment to the father of a dead Marine who sued church members after they picketed his son’s funeral.Young Madison Socialist Reveals ‘Noodles & Company‘ Restaurant Is Actually Harsh ’Dictatorship’NUTTER!Prites cannons! More unraveling of Charlie Sheen. And More.